EarthMC Stats Bot


EarthMC Stats is by far the most popular and mature of the tools in this toolkit. Quick responses and a wide range of commands with info neatly displayed in Discord embeds, give players an intuitive way to get useful info, even when the server goes down!

You can invite the bot to your server using the button below.
To make sure it functions correctly, give the bot the following permissions:

View Channels - Can't do anything without this ;)

Send Messages - So it will actually respond.

Add Reactions - Allows you to navigate lists using buttons.

Attach Files - Used to send images in embeds.

Embed Links - Hyperlinks such as location, discord invites etc.
Invite to server


Aurora: a/ or slash commands.

Nova: n/

Since slash commands only support the / prefix, this means only the latest map (currently Aurora) can be supported.

List of Commands

• Town

Regular Slash Description Optional Arguments
town [name] town lookup [name] Get information on the specified town. N/A
town list town list Displays a holistic list of towns, by default according to highest resident and chunk count. online, residents, chunks, name, nation
town activity [name] town activity [name] Displays a list of residents in the specified town, with their last online date(s). N/A

• Nation

Regular Slash Description Optional Arguments
nation [name] nation lookup [name] Get information on the specified nation. N/A
nation list nation list Displays a holistic list of nations, by default according to highest resident and chunk count. online, residents, chunks, name
nation activity [name] nation activity [name] Displays a list of residents in the specified nation, with their last online date(s). N/A

• Miscellaneous

Regular Slash Description Optional Arguments
queue (no prefix) queue Get the current state of the queue and the amount of players in Nova and Aurora. No prefix required. N/A
resident [name] resident [name] Get information on the specified resident. N/A
townless townless Get a list of online townless players. N/A
playerpos [name] playerpos [name] Get the current position of an online player. Said player has to be visible on the dynmap. N/A
nether [x] [z] nether [x] [z] Get a quick conversion of overworld to nether coordinates. N/A
location [x] [z] location [x] [z] Generate a link to quickly jump to a position on the dynmap. zoom
online online Shows online players. You can specify a filter. all, staff/mods, mayors, kings
staff list staff list Displays a list of all the staff members. N/A
staff online staff online Displays a list of online staff members. N/A
status status Displays the current server status. N/A
ø nationset Sets nation data for a specific nation. Can only be used by the nation leader. (see slash command)

• Bot related

Regular Slash Description Optional Arguments
help help Shows the help menu and bot commands. main, other, alliance
stats stats Shows stats about the bot, such as the amount of servers it's in. N/A